Read our strategic plan for 2022 and find out:
We'll work together with partner organisations and people in our communities so that adults can live the best lives they can with their rights and wellbeing being supported, safe from abuse and neglect.
Our work will follow the 6 safeguarding principles:
We're going to work on 4 objectives of equal importance, which will be our priorities. Read our key objectives. We'll continue to work with our partners to make sure these priorities are achieved by 2022.
We'll measure our progress and achievements through a new Delivery Plan which will be updated every 3 months.
We'll work with the:
We'll improve safeguarding processes so that they are centred on the individual and their desired outcomes.
We'll do this through:
The outcomes of audits and feedback and the resulting actions will be reported to the Safeguarding Adults Board, quarterly. The Quality and Performance sub group will lead on this work.
We'll know that we have made a different as future audits will show if adults going through the safeguarding journey have been listened to and have choice and control.
Organisations will raise the awareness of people with care and support needs about potential risk situations and how to develop strategies to avoid or reduce risks and will report and act on safeguarding concerns.
This will be completed in 3 ways:
Planned awareness work will be completed and evaluated. Shared good practice resource will be in place. Our workforce will have up to date training.
Following raising awareness, we will ask people if they feel more confident about safeguarding. We'll evaluate the training we do with our workforce. This will demonstrate the differences we’ve made for developing strategies to avoid or reduce risks for people will care or support needs.
We will work to ensure that our communities have the knowledge, capacity and ability to support people to be safe.
This will be achieved by:
We'll know that we have done this work as a new communication strategy will be in place and we will be delivering on its actions. We'll have worked with communities about safeguarding adults at risk.
We'll seek feedback about our website and from public events in safeguarding week. This feedback will show the areas in which we have made improvements. We'll then act on feedback from communities about people feeling safe.
We'll ensure that our safeguarding processes are effective, proportionate comprehensive and accessible.
To do this we will:
We'll know that these actions have taken placed as clear protocol lead multi-agency action will be undertaken to tackle modern slavery. Learning from audits will have been acted on.
We can illustrate that we have made a different as we will report performance information with indicates the effectiveness and accessibility of our processes. As a result of Healthwatch feedback we will have acted on the experience of adults at risk of the process.