If you're worried about an adult in York
To report a crime:
- in an emergency, contact the police, telephone: 999
- if there's no immediate danger, contact the police non-emergency line: on telephone: 101
To report a safeguarding concern:
Use the professionals form if:
- you're an adult social care provider
- you work for another professional organisation such as the NHS or Police
Use the residents form if you're a member of the public.
If you would prefer to speak to someone or report information anonymously you can:
- contact the City of York Adult Social Care, on telephone: 01904 555111, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm
- text telephone: 07534 437804 if you're hearing impaired
- telephone: 0300 131 2131 for out of hours help
Report a safeguarding issue
Report a safeguarding issue using the correct form.
Raise a concern - professionals form
Raise a concern - residents form
Abuse is always wrong; reporting it is always right.
Give feedback about your experience of the safeguarding process
If you or someone you know (and or their family) would benefit from talking to Healthwatch about your experience of going through a safeguarding concern, you can complete the independent Healthwatch survey.
Alternatively, you can contact Healthwatch directly by telephone: 01904 621133 or by email: healthwatch@yorkcvs.org.uk.
Healthwatch will listen, record key points, and ask if you would like your experiences escalated for further discussion with Safeguarding Adults Board partners. Read the Safeguarding Stories Healthwatch York guide.